In this episode of Ultra Ordinary Running Podcast, we have Angela’s recap from Sufferfest Weekend. Contrary to its ominous name, the Sufferfest turned out to be fun! Listen to Angela talk about conquering her fears, meeting great new friends, learning some new trails, and in general, fully immersing herself in the ultra life (and loving it). Thanks for sharing your experience, Angela! I think all the UOR listeners are going to want to head out to Fruita next year for the Sufferfest.
(Thanks for the memes, Christina <3)
Some links to things we talked about:
A little bit on the history of the “fat ass” ultra: http://trailandultrarunning.com/the-fat-ass-ultra-a-history/
Human Potential Running Series: http://humanpotentialrunning.com/races/
Sufferfest Weekend: http://humanpotentialrunning.com/sufferfest/
Leadville Race Series: http://www.leadvilleraceseries.com/
Melissa’s injury update… What the heck is rossiter? http://rockymountainrossiter.com/
And now our usual links:
Angela’s Twitter: @angelmurf
Angela’s Blog: https://silverliningstrong.wordpress.com/
Christina’s Twitter: @arunningmess
Christina’s Blog: http://www.arunningmess.com/
Melissa’s Twitter: @melissa_raguet
Melissa’s Blog: http://www.clothmother.com/
Music: Happy Rock from www.bensound.com