Episode 20: Chase the moon race recap

Ultra Ordinary Running
Ultra Ordinary Running
Episode 20: Chase the moon race recap

Angela, Melissa, and Rob recently ran a 12-hour nighttime relay called Chase the Moon. In this episode we recap the race and talk about what it was like to run a relay in the dark. Rob even pops in to join us as a special (surprise!) guest.


Thanks for listening!

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(If you still want more information about the race, Melissa blogged it here).

Also: watch and subscribe to Christina’s new Vlog here! She has got seriously great stuff!!

And now for our usual links:

Angela’s Twitter: @angelmurf
Angela’s Blog: https://silverliningstrong.wordpress.com/

Christina’s Twitter: @arunningmess
Christina’s Blog: http://www.arunningmess.com/

Melissa’s Twitter: @melissa_raguet
Melissa’s Blog: http://www.clothmother.com/

Music: Happy Rock from www.bensound.com