In this episode of Ultra Ordinary Running Podcast, we get together to talk about Post Ultra Blues. Yes, it’s a thing! But it’s a thing we haven’t heard other ultra runners talk about all that often. After the big event, it can be common to feel a let down or sadness as you struggle to get back to your “ordinary” life or look for your next adventure. We think that talking about it helps.
Thanks for listening! We had some technical difficulties in recording this episode (a spotty internet connection messed up the sound quality and interrupted our conversation in a few places), and we appreciate your patience.
Angela’s Twitter: @angelmurf
Angela’s Blog: https://silverliningstrong.wordpress.com/
Christina’s Twitter: @arunningmess
Christina’s Blog: http://www.arunningmess.com/
Melissa’s Twitter: @melissa_raguet
Melissa’s Blog: http://www.clothmother.com/
Music: Happy Rock from www.bensound.com