In this episode of Ultra Ordinary Running Podcast, we talk about possible stress fractures, posterior shin splits, ankle sprains, and more.
Injuries are something nearly every runner deals with at some point or another. The key is knowing when you are experiencing a discomfort you can push through, and when you’ve got pain you can’t ignore. We’re here to share our stories about injuries we’ve had, how we got through them, and what we’ve learned.
We’ve got a lot of websites for you. Thanks for listening!
Melissa writes about the beginning of her possible stress fracture/ tibialis posterior tendon injury (it was a run so terrible that it became a mall walk, followed by a child’s birthday party):
The crazy looking KT tape regimen that seemed to help Melissa’s tibialis posterior:
What is rossiter treatment, anyway?
The KT tape regimen that helped Christina’s ankle:
And now for our usual links!
Angela’s Twitter: @angelmurf
Angela’s Blog:
Christina’s Twitter: @arunningmess
Christina’s Blog:
Melissa’s Twitter: @melissa_raguet
Melissa’s Blog:
Music: Happy Rock from